Music:Ray Shulman for Orinoco Sound, Chris Nicholls Genre: interactive film and space flight simulator As soon as I got to Nav 24, I toldmy wingman to attack my target and afterburned to the nearest bogey.Privateer 2: The Darkening Support The Computer Show. But first I stopped to hire a wingmanand Monolith freighter since we were going to need all the firepower we couldget.2.22 E-mail from Hassan, HadesOnce I lifted off, I got an e-mail from Hassan telling me that the prison shipwas at Nav 24 sending out a mayday call. Hassan knew it was a trap and weboth left to protect the incoming ship. He gave me even moresurprising news, they had captured the guy who had been sending me e-mail.Then when Hassan contacted the prison where he was being held we found outthat the prisoner was en route to Hades. Since I had lost contact with 'Unknown', I hurriedto Hades.2.21 David Hassan, HadesWhen I met Hassan I informed him that Malakai was dead. All rights reserved.WHEW, don't you just love legalese.2 MAIN PLOT GUIDE2.1 Joe the Bartender, HermesThe first thing I did was talk to Joe the Bartender at the Sinner's Inn.Īt lost as what to do I headedback to Bex with hopes that a couple beers would things seem less frustrating.2.20 E-mail from HassanI got an e-mail from Hassan which said that he had important news and to meethim at his office on Hades. Any trademarks not mentionedhere are still acknowledged.1.5 CopyrightThis article is copyright 1997, Christopher Vanderpool. All specific names includedherein are trademarks and are so acknowledged any content derived from thegame is still protected by Origin's copyright. ORIGIN is awholly owned subsidiary of Electronic Arts. It is purelyfor informational purposes and neither Origin nor the author of the document(Christopher Vanderpool) accept any responsibility for any harm or damagecaused to anyone or anything as a result of the contents of this document.This guide is neither authorized nor endorsed by Origin Systems, Inc.1.4 Trademark InformationORIGIN, Wing Commander, We Create Worlds, Privateer and Privateer 2: TheDarkening are registered trademarks of ORIGIN Systems, Inc. Finally, section 8 tells you whereelse you can get this guide and where to send e-mail if you have questionsabout this guide or have a question for the FAQ.1.2 Spoiler WarningThis guide contains spoilers about the missions, characters and the plot ofPrivateer 2: The Darkening.1.3 DisclaimerThe aim of this document is to inform the public about Privateer 2: TheDarkening by Origin and increase their enjoyment of the game. Section 7 contains FrequentlyAsked Questions and even some answers.